Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Another question to ponder

Why do you think we have movie ratings? Do you think they are needed? Should your age student be allowed to go to a R rated movie without an adult? How many of you can go to any movie you want?


ZachW said...

yes yes yes i say there should be no ratings, i protest.

steviej said...

i think some ratings are stuped but R should stay

dougb said...

ratings are stupid we are going to learn it any ways

eyalithe said...

Movie ratings are there for a reason. But what I think is a con about the rating systme is that there should be a rule that they should re-rate older movies when they rated movies 'R' because they ahd 'Fart Jokes' in them.


eyalithe said...

~ Second Post

The only movies I'm allowed to see alone are 'g' rated movie but that's ony because I live so far away from the AMC. I need someone to drive me there.


sbretz said...

I think it depends on the movie because like The Scary Movies are just funny but a few of them are Rated R. So I think it totally depends on the person and what movies they like. For me I am allowed to watch most R movies out of the theaters.