Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Peer helper

Hi. I have a problem avid students, i dont now if i should be a peer helper next year or not. but the big thing is that if i do do peer helper i will no be able to have any other exploritories because then i would have avid, Pe i whant to do the full year of that and then peer helper, so what do you ythink and give me an honest answer please! ZACH


JustinD said...

is this year or no ????

JustinD said...

well y dont u do gym for like half the year or somethin but idk (i dont no)

ZachW said...

Well ill have to think about it

eyalithe said...

Well, I think you should enjoy the year with your exploritories and just help out around the Avid classroom. It'll be like peer helping. You just won't have a name tag.


sbretz said...

Well I think being a peer helper would take up to much time and for me it sounds kind of dumb because I wouldnt want to come talk to some kid my own age.
Sincerely, Larry The Cable Guy jk

shyans said...

you can still be in avid. you have 2 other exploritories other than avid you will be able to do both.