Tuesday, May 8, 2007


is alot better than soccer


ZachW said...

You Wish!

christianv said...

baseball is so boring there is never any action

ZachW said...

you wish!

sbretz said...

I agree. Baseball is the best sport out there. It;'s so much fun. Although at one time I did play soccer and it's pretty fun.

ZachW said...

Ya what chirstan said!

ZachW said...

You both wish!

dougb said...

you all wish racing is way better then bothe of them

brianh said...

no its not!!!

Kpotter said...

What is your justification to say that baseball is bettet? You need to defend your opinion. Some people think that baseball is boring since there is no action sometimes. However, I like it because there is so much mental also going on.

alan s said...

zach tells me to say "you wish" but i realy dont care. i used to play base ball alot when i was younger.

brianh said...

i play soccer

baseball is a no contact sport
i think baseball is too safe!!!!!!!!