I am really frustrated lately that students are not doing the work in math. If you don't practice the skill, you cannot master it. How can you motivate a willfully passive student?
well i know with a lot of kids they don't want to do homework. Also they have parents that will grounds them for bad grades. So, if you gave them the option to do homework, by the time tests came along they'd fail and it would be likely that they would be grounded. So, in turn they would be forced to do there work if they didn't want to be grounded.
i think we should play games.
well i know with a lot of kids they don't want to do homework. Also they have parents that will grounds them for bad grades. So, if you gave them the option to do homework, by the time tests came along they'd fail and it would be likely that they would be grounded. So, in turn they would be forced to do there work if they didn't want to be grounded.
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